Utah County Warming Centers
The warming centers in Utah County will be open from October 15, 2024 through April 30, 2025.
To volunteer, please visit: https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/warming-center
Volunteers will need to be 18 years old and create an account and sign up for shifts at Warming Center | VOMO. The shifts will be available nightly from Oct 15th to Apr 30th. Shifts are from 8:30pm to 1:00am, 12:30am to 5:00am, and 4:30am to 8:00am. Volunteers will be helping with set up and clean up, safety and security, and fellowshipping under the supervision of trained social workers and staff at the locations below. Volunteers will be expected to complete trainings that will be sent to them via email prior to their first shift.
To donate, please visit: https://www.justserve.org/projects/19e29c0c-b590-40fd-accc-ede74c7f9181/warming-center-blanket-drive?shiftId=f3eb7cc8-adc3-4aef-a2d6-7d0ee6e2e7ea
We are also accepting the following:
Donations are accepted Monday through Friday from 9 to 4 pm at Community Action Services and Food Bank at 815 South Freedom Blvd., Provo, Utah. Bring items to the east food bank door and let the staff know they are for the warming centers. All donations need to be new and unopen (we will accept CLEAN, gently used blankets)
To volunteer, please visit: https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/warming-center
Volunteers will need to be 18 years old and create an account and sign up for shifts at Warming Center | VOMO. The shifts will be available nightly from Oct 15th to Apr 30th. Shifts are from 8:30pm to 1:00am, 12:30am to 5:00am, and 4:30am to 8:00am. Volunteers will be helping with set up and clean up, safety and security, and fellowshipping under the supervision of trained social workers and staff at the locations below. Volunteers will be expected to complete trainings that will be sent to them via email prior to their first shift.
To donate, please visit: https://www.justserve.org/projects/19e29c0c-b590-40fd-accc-ede74c7f9181/warming-center-blanket-drive?shiftId=f3eb7cc8-adc3-4aef-a2d6-7d0ee6e2e7ea
We are also accepting the following:
- Blankets
- New Men Gloves
- New Women Gloves
- Hand warmers
- Foot warmers
- Cup of Noodles
- Macaroni and Cheese Cups
- Fruit Snacks (packaged)
- Granola Bars
- Sweet and Salty Packs
- Sandwich Crackers/Cookies (packaged)
- Candy/Candy Bars (must be wrapped)
- Bottled Water
Donations are accepted Monday through Friday from 9 to 4 pm at Community Action Services and Food Bank at 815 South Freedom Blvd., Provo, Utah. Bring items to the east food bank door and let the staff know they are for the warming centers. All donations need to be new and unopen (we will accept CLEAN, gently used blankets)
The purpose of this website is to educate the public about how the Mountainland Continuum of Care is striving to end and prevent homelessness in Utah, Wasatch, and Summit Counties. We are a coalition of local non-profit and government agencies that work together to find solutions for our area's housing needs. We support housing efforts that range from temporary emergency shelter to affordable home ownership.
News and Updates

The 2023 HUD NOFA award results are out. Please go to the "2023 HUD NOFA Competition" page to see which organizations were granted funding.
We're on Social Media!
Remember to like us on Facebook by visiting our page! We post exciting updates and events on a regular basis, and create groups for special projects (like our annual Point-In-Time count!) for volunteer recruitment. Please tell all of your friends and coworkers who are passionate about this issue to like, like, like! If you have any news, questions, or suggestions, please email us at mcoc@unitedwayuc.org.
Homelessness Highlights |
2023 Local Point in Time Results Each year, community members and service agencies get together for an outreach effort in January. Not only does this help to connect people with services, it helps to illustrate the homeless problem in our community.
We just completed our January 2023 Point in Time Count and are verifying the results. Thanks to all the agencies and volunteers who participated! From Homelessness to Home Ownership and BeyondThis resource brochure is produced by the Continuum of Care and is available for free. You can download it here.
Rethink Homelessness.... |