The CoC thanks its members for their feedback and approval of the consolidated application. Below we have posted the final draft that will be submitted to HUD today, September 12th before 11:59 PM. Attached below is a final draft of the consolidated application and the project listing, as well as the updated copy of the MCoC's Policies and Procedures. Thank you for your support!

CoC Cons Application Final.pdf | |
File Size: | 116 kb |
File Type: |

Project Listing for Submission.pdf | |
File Size: | 840 kb |
File Type: |

CoC Policies and Procedures updated 09/12/2016.pdf | |
File Size: | 1843 kb |
File Type: |
Consolidated Application 2016-For Public Review
The 2016 MCoC Consolidated Application is attached below for public review. It is a draft that is open for public feedback. Please send all comments or questions to Stephanie Willmore at by Monday, September 12th at 5:00PM. The CoC intends to submit their application to HUD by 11:59PM on 5/12/2016.
Posted September 7th, 2016
Posted September 7th, 2016

2016 Consolidated Application Draft.pdf | |
File Size: | 5229 kb |
File Type: |

2016 Project Listing.pdf | |
File Size: | 70 kb |
File Type: |
Amended Project Listing
The Consolidated Applicant reviewed the project listing and found an error in the running total for projects that were eligible for reallocated funds. The Youth Rapid Rehousing Project was then amended in order to meet the budget requirement. The ranking order remained the same. This list was reviewed and accepted by vote by four Rank and Review Committee members: Brad Barber (Self-Help Homes), Steven Downs (Orem City), Dan Gonzalez (Provo City), and Tamera Kohler (State Community Services Office). The new finalized listing is attached below.
1. Housing Authority of Utah County PSH project
2. Provo City Housing Authority PSH project
3. Golden Spike Outreach PSH project
4. Department of Workforce Service HMIS project
5. Community Action Services and Food Bank/Peace House RRH renewal project
6. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Youth project
7. Community Action Services and Food Bank SSO project
7. Community Action Services and Food Bank SSO project
8. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH II Youth project
9. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Expansion project
Posted September 7, 2016
1. Housing Authority of Utah County PSH project
2. Provo City Housing Authority PSH project
3. Golden Spike Outreach PSH project
4. Department of Workforce Service HMIS project
5. Community Action Services and Food Bank/Peace House RRH renewal project
6. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Youth project
7. Community Action Services and Food Bank SSO project
7. Community Action Services and Food Bank SSO project
8. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH II Youth project
9. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Expansion project
Posted September 7, 2016

final_listing_after_recalculation.xlsx | |
File Size: | 12 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |
Project Listing Announced-Tier 1 and Tier 2 finalized
The results for the CoC's local FY2016 NOFA competition have been announced. The Continuum's Rank and Review committee reviewed project submissions from August 9th-August 15th. They used the Continuum's approved Rank and Review Criteria to grade projects and to make initial proposals for the group's final ranking list. On August 16th, the Review and Ranking Committee met together to discuss their final project listing decision. The review and ranking process followed a nine step process:
1. Each committee member reviewed projects, scored them, and created an initial project list. These scores were shared among the group.
2. After initial scores were shared, the group had a discussion about meeting needs in the community based on the Continuum's gaps analysis, the AHAR, and the focus needed to end chronic homelessness.
3. After this discussion, it was also discussed which projects were needed to fulfill the Continuum's objectives, and HMIS was discussed as a requisite part of the Continuum. However, it was also decided that the most critical housing dollars should come before this service. Therefore, it was placed in Tier 1 after projects that support the chronically homeless.
4. The group also discussed HUD's priorities, which were to aim to end chronic homelessness, to consider important subpopulations, and to also choose project models that reflected evidence-based practices. .
5. The group also reviewed renewal projects' history of returning funds to HUD, and made recommendations for reallocating some of those funds toward other projects that could benefit from Tier 1 prioritization.
6. The group reviewed each project's budget (new projects, in particular) and discussed the viability of spending down the requested amount in one fiscal year.
7. The group adapted the final listing according to the maximum possible amount that could be awarded to the CoC based on the ARD and permanent housing bonus.
The CoC's special meeting for NOFA notification was held on August 22nd, and the project listing for the original seven submissions were announced. After some discussion and the proposal of two new additional projects that would be eligible for the permanent housing bonus in Tier 2, the final listing was approved by vote. The project listing is available below, and full details are available in the attached document. All questions may be addressed with the Assistant Planner by emailing
Posted August 23, 2016
1. Housing Authority of Utah County PSH project
2. Provo City Housing Authority PSH project
3. Golden Spike Outreach PSH project
4. Department of Workforce Service HMIS project
5. Community Action Services and Food Bank/Peace House RRH renewal project
6. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Youth project
7. Community Action Services and Food Bank SSO project
8. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH II Youth project
9. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Expansion project
1. Each committee member reviewed projects, scored them, and created an initial project list. These scores were shared among the group.
2. After initial scores were shared, the group had a discussion about meeting needs in the community based on the Continuum's gaps analysis, the AHAR, and the focus needed to end chronic homelessness.
3. After this discussion, it was also discussed which projects were needed to fulfill the Continuum's objectives, and HMIS was discussed as a requisite part of the Continuum. However, it was also decided that the most critical housing dollars should come before this service. Therefore, it was placed in Tier 1 after projects that support the chronically homeless.
4. The group also discussed HUD's priorities, which were to aim to end chronic homelessness, to consider important subpopulations, and to also choose project models that reflected evidence-based practices. .
5. The group also reviewed renewal projects' history of returning funds to HUD, and made recommendations for reallocating some of those funds toward other projects that could benefit from Tier 1 prioritization.
6. The group reviewed each project's budget (new projects, in particular) and discussed the viability of spending down the requested amount in one fiscal year.
7. The group adapted the final listing according to the maximum possible amount that could be awarded to the CoC based on the ARD and permanent housing bonus.
The CoC's special meeting for NOFA notification was held on August 22nd, and the project listing for the original seven submissions were announced. After some discussion and the proposal of two new additional projects that would be eligible for the permanent housing bonus in Tier 2, the final listing was approved by vote. The project listing is available below, and full details are available in the attached document. All questions may be addressed with the Assistant Planner by emailing
Posted August 23, 2016
1. Housing Authority of Utah County PSH project
2. Provo City Housing Authority PSH project
3. Golden Spike Outreach PSH project
4. Department of Workforce Service HMIS project
5. Community Action Services and Food Bank/Peace House RRH renewal project
6. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Youth project
7. Community Action Services and Food Bank SSO project
8. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH II Youth project
9. Community Action Services and Food Bank RRH Expansion project

final_listing_after_august_22nd_nofa_meeting.xlsx | |
File Size: | 12 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |

Rank and Review Meeting Minutes-8.16.2016.docx | |
File Size: | 96 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Project Rank and Review Criteria Finalized
The final project rank and review criteria has been revised and voted for approval by the Continuum. There are three different ranking forms for the three possible project types: HMIS Projects, New Projects, and Renewal Projects. We have attached the criteria here for transparency in the review and ranking process. Projects will be reviewed from August 9th-August 16th by the CoC review and ranking committee. None of the members of the Review and Ranking Committee are project applicants or are involved as partners within a project.
Posted on August 3rd, 2016
Posted on August 3rd, 2016

Renewal Project Review Criteria | |
File Size: | 545 kb |
File Type: |

HMIS Project Criteria.pdf | |
File Size: | 529 kb |
File Type: |

New Project Review Criteria | |
File Size: | 524 kb |
File Type: |
Project Deadline approaching, August 8th at 11:59 PM
Projects submissions are due on August 8th at 11:59 to If files are too big for one email, applicants may submit their application via Google Drive and invite Stephanie Willmore to view and download the files. Below are helpful materials for both renewal projects and new project applicants.
Posted on 7/28/2016
Posted on 7/28/2016

Housing First Permanent Supportive Housing Brief.pdf | |
File Size: | 470 kb |
File Type: |

RRH eligibility guide.pdf | |
File Size: | 479 kb |
File Type: |

Supplemental Application for Renewals | |
File Size: | 32 kb |
File Type: | docx |

Supplemental Application For New Projects | |
File Size: | 30 kb |
File Type: | docx |
New Project Applicant Orientation and Materials
Groups interested in applying for new funding through the CoC must attend an orientation meeting on Monday, July 18th or Wednesday, July 20th at 3:00 PM at United Way of Utah County (148 North 100 West, Provo, UT 84601). Attached below are the handouts for the meetings.
Posted 7/15/2016.
Posted 7/15/2016.

coc_nofa_orientation_2016_final.pptx | |
File Size: | 495 kb |
File Type: | pptx |

new-project-application-detailed-instructions.pdf | |
File Size: | 1099 kb |
File Type: |

duns-number-and-sam-instructions.pdf | |
File Size: | 267 kb |
File Type: |

supplemental_application_for_new_projects.docx | |
File Size: | 28 kb |
File Type: | docx |

nofa_highlights_for_new_projects.docx | |
File Size: | 13 kb |
File Type: | docx |

summary_of_new_project_threshold.docx | |
File Size: | 13 kb |
File Type: | docx |

esnaps-features-functions-instructional-guide.pdf | |
File Size: | 1601 kb |
File Type: |
Letter of Intent Due July 15th
Organizations listed on the FY2016 GIW are required to submit a renewal letter of intent to CoC staff by Friday, July 15th at 11:59 PM. The GIW list required letter of intent form is attached below.
Posted 7/12/2016
Posted 7/12/2016

loi_for_nofa_renewal_projects_fy2016.docx | |
File Size: | 31 kb |
File Type: | docx |

2016 GIW for MCoC | |
File Size: | 42 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |
FY2016 HUD NOFA Competition Info Released
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the application instructions for FY16's funding competition on June 29, 2016. Please click here to see the announcement and instructions from the HUD Exchange website. Our CoC has already completed the registration process and is beginning the local competition process for renewal and new projects. For information on how to apply, see the attached PDF below.
Please note the application timeline for the MTL CoC:
Timeline for project applications:
Posted: 7/6/2016
Please note the application timeline for the MTL CoC:
Timeline for project applications:
- Posting of announcement
of funding on website ( on July 6, 2016 and in local newspapers by July 14, 2016.
- Orientation sessions
on July 18 and July 20 at 3 PM at United Way of Utah County for those intending
to apply for a new project. Agencies may
join by phone. Please call 801-691-7723, passcode 1234#.
- Adoption of rating and
review criteria in CoC meeting will occur on July 11, 2016. Posting of the rating and review criteria
will be available on the website on July 11.
- Renewal project
letters of intent due to CoC by July 15, 2016.
- Renewal and new
project supplemental application and esnaps application due by 11:59 PM on
Monday, August 8, 2016.
- Ranking and Review
Committee will review new and renewal applications between August 9 – 16, 2016.
- Determination of
project application ranking in Tier 1 and Tier 2 in CoC meeting on Monday,
August 22, 2016.
- Notification of
agencies regarding project funding ranking by August 24, 2016 by email and
through posting on CoC website.
- CoC staff review of e-snaps
applications to ensure compliance with HUD threshold and application
requirements between August 22nd and September 6, 2016. Staff will work with agencies to make any
needed improvements or modifications.
Posted: 7/6/2016

mtl_coc_7.9.2016_request-for-new-proposals-fy-2016_.docx | |
File Size: | 39 kb |
File Type: | docx |