2022 Consolidated Application Draft for Public Review
The Continuum of Care Staff have compiled a full Consolidated Application Draft for CoC Review, including the Priority Listing.
Please direct all comments and questions to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org.
Please direct all comments and questions to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org.

draft_for_public_comment_fy22.pdf | |
File Size: | 948 kb |
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priority_listing_2022_nofo.pdf | |
File Size: | 281 kb |
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Final Priority Listing
The Final Priority Listing for the Mountainland Continuum of Care 2022 Local NOFA Competition was issued by the Rank and Review Committee on September 13th. 2022. The Rank and Review Committee initially received all project applications, project summaries, supplementary materials and the Rank and Review Criteria on September 7th, 2022. Each committee member scored projects individually and created their own priority listing result. All five members attended virtually. Applicants were all notified of the results individually by letter from CoC staff on September 14th. 2022. The Final Project Listing is attached below.

final_rank_and_review_awards_2022.pdf | |
File Size: | 107 kb |
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Rank and Review Committee
Members of the Continuum of Care voted via email on Tuesday August 31st on the following Rank and Review for the FY 2022 NOFO. The members are as follows:
Kena Mathews representing Orem City and the CoC Executive Committee
Jessica DeLora representing Utah County jurisdiction
Dr. Rodrigo Veas-Wall bringing expertise in LGBT equity as a psychotherapist in Provo specializing in LGBT issues and gender issues
Jackie Larson with Centro Hispano bringing expertise in racial equity
Kyleigh B- an individual with lived experience bringing expertise as an individual who has experienced homelessness.
Kena Mathews representing Orem City and the CoC Executive Committee
Jessica DeLora representing Utah County jurisdiction
Dr. Rodrigo Veas-Wall bringing expertise in LGBT equity as a psychotherapist in Provo specializing in LGBT issues and gender issues
Jackie Larson with Centro Hispano bringing expertise in racial equity
Kyleigh B- an individual with lived experience bringing expertise as an individual who has experienced homelessness.
Final Rank and Review Criteria
Members of the Continuum of Care voted via email on Monday, August 22nd to vote to approve the 2022 Rank and Review Criteria.
You can preview the final documents by downloading below.
Posted August 22, 2022
You can preview the final documents by downloading below.
Posted August 22, 2022

rank_and_review_criteria_draft_2022_final_draft_for_web.xlsx | |
File Size: | 25 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |

mcoc_rank_and_review_committee_policy_and_procedures_2022.pdf | |
File Size: | 85 kb |
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Project Application Checklists
Applicants for the 2022 NOFO competition must submit their project application though e-SNAPS, HUD's grant application software, and also to CoC Staff. Here is a checklist of what applicants must submit digital copies to CoC Staff (submit to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org).. Applications are due August 31st, 2022 11:59 PM (MST). Project application instructions manuals and the supplemental applications are attached below.
Renewal Projects:
New Projects:
Renewal Projects:
- 501c3 certification, if applicable- only one needed per applicant
- Most recent agency audit and any response to findings-only one copy needed per applicant
- HUD Applicant Profile (must be updated!)-only one needed per applicant
- HUD Project Application- one per project
- Renewal Project Supplemental Application- one per project
- HUD Monitoring Report, if applicable, within the last two years- one per project
- CoC Monitoring Report for most recent program year-one per project or summary of all projects
- e-LOCCS report to show quarterly draw-downs and balance from most recent program year-one per project
- Project APR for most recent program year (submit impartial APR if you are a first-year renewal
New Projects:
- 501c3 certification, if applicable-only one needed per applicant
- Most recent agency audit and any response to findings-only one needed per applicant
- HUD Applicant Profile (must be updated!)-only one needed per applicant
- HUD Project Application
- New Project Supplemental Application

nofo_2022_renewal_supplemental_application.docx | |
File Size: | 36 kb |
File Type: | docx |

nofo_2022_new_supplemental_application.docx | |
File Size: | 41 kb |
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project-applicant-profile-navigational-guide.pdf | |
File Size: | 3089 kb |
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how-to-access-the-project-application.pdf | |
File Size: | 1376 kb |
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New Applicant Documents
New applicant orientation will be held on Monday, August 15th at 2 PM via google meet. Here are information documents and links that we will cover in the orientation.
To obtain a SAM number for federal grants: https://sam.gov/content/entity-registration
To obtain a SAM number for federal grants: https://sam.gov/content/entity-registration

nofo_2022_new_supplemental_application.docx | |
File Size: | 41 kb |
File Type: | docx |

simple_new_applicant_guide_fy2022.docx | |
File Size: | 22 kb |
File Type: | docx |

new_project_quality_threshold_2022.docx | |
File Size: | 13 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Rank and Review Draft for Public Review
In 2022, the CoC membership discussed a tentative content list for the updated 2022 NOFO Rank and Review Criteria. The following Rank and Review Criteria reflects a combination of content that cites the 2019-2021 MCoC Rank and Review Criteria, the 2022 NOFO Rank and Review Criteria example, examples of rank and review criteria from other local CoCs, and Continuum input. This criteria will review renewal, first time renewal, and new projects. HMIS projects will be reviewed in the typical project type (first time renewal, new project etc,), however they will receive full points for any criteria where their answer is deemed "not applicable." One of the biggest changes to this year's rank and review criteria is the expansion of racial equity and racial disparity information and reporting, along with commitments by applying agencies to reduce barriers to project entry for LGBT populations, in compliance with the NOFO's stated priority of addressing inequality in our housing services. Additionally, applicants are going to be asked to further discuss their commitment to Housing First principles.
Any comments and questions are to be submitted to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org. The final rank and review criteria and updated policies and procedures will be subject to CoC vote via email by August 19th, 2022.
Any comments and questions are to be submitted to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org. The final rank and review criteria and updated policies and procedures will be subject to CoC vote via email by August 19th, 2022.

rank_and_review_criteria_draft_2022.xlsx | |
File Size: | 25 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |
Letter of Intent for Project Due August 19th, 2022
Organizations with renewal projects are required to submit their letter of intent for renewal or new projects by Friday, August 19th, 2022 by 5:00 PM. Organizations renewing projects are welcome to attend the New Project Orientation on August 15th but not required. Attached is a copy of the LOI form. This needs to be submitted electronically to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org.

letter_of_intent_for_nofo_projects_fy2022.docx | |
File Size: | 30 kb |
File Type: | docx |
FY2022 HUD NOFO Competition Information Released
FY2022 HUD NOFO Competition Information Released
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the application instructions for FY21's funding competition on August 1st, 2022. Please click here to see the announcement and instructions from the HUD Exchange website. Our CoC has already completed the registration process and is beginning the local competition process for renewal and new projects. For information on how to apply, click here.
Please note the application timeline for the MTL CoC:
Timeline for project applications:
1. Posting of the announcement of funding on CoC website (mountainlandcoc.org) by August 3rd, and via email to CoC membership. Posting of the notice in local community forums (newspapers, websites, boards, etc.) will occur by August 5th, 2022.
2. A draft of the 2022 Rank and Review Criteria will be posted on the CoC website by August 12th, 2022 for public review and comment. A draft of required CoC application documents for new and renewal projects will also be available on the website by August 12th, 2022.
3. An orientation session for new applicants and “new project” applicants will be held on Monday, August 15th from 2 PM-4:00 pm via google meet.
NOFO New Project Orientation
Monday, August 15 · 2:00 – 4:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ckj-hfqk-chh
This is MANDATORY for any new projects. Please email heatherh@unitedwayuc.org to RSVP by Friday, August 12th, 2022.
4. Organizations applying for new and renewal projects must submit a letter of intent by 5:00 PM on Friday August 19th, 2022. Please submit letters via email to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org. This letter of intent template will be posted on the website.
5. Adoption of the final rank and review criteria will via email vote of the CoC on August 19th, 2022. Rank and Review Committee members will be voted into placement that day via email vote. Nominations for new members may be submitted to Heather Hogue by August 15th, 2022. Rank and review committee members shall have no conflict of interest while sitting on the committee. The posting of the final rank and review criteria will also be made available on the CoC website by August 22nd, 2022.
6. Renewal and new project supplemental applications and e-snaps applications are due by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022.
7. The Rank and Review Committee will review applications between September 7th-9th, 2022.
8. Determination of project application ranking in Tier 1 and Tier 2 in CoC Rank and Review meeting on Monday, September 12th. 2022.
9. Notification of agencies regarding project funding ranking by Wednesday, September 14th by email and through public posting on the CoC website. Formal announcement will also take place via email to the CoC on Thursday, September 15th.
10. CoC staff will review e-snaps applications to ensure compliance with HUD threshold and application requirements between September 15th through September 22nd, 2022. Staff will work with agencies to make any needed improvements or modifications.
11. The final due date for the Consolidated Application is September 30th, 2022. Our CoC will be turning in the application by Monday, September 26th, 2022.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the application instructions for FY21's funding competition on August 1st, 2022. Please click here to see the announcement and instructions from the HUD Exchange website. Our CoC has already completed the registration process and is beginning the local competition process for renewal and new projects. For information on how to apply, click here.
Please note the application timeline for the MTL CoC:
Timeline for project applications:
1. Posting of the announcement of funding on CoC website (mountainlandcoc.org) by August 3rd, and via email to CoC membership. Posting of the notice in local community forums (newspapers, websites, boards, etc.) will occur by August 5th, 2022.
2. A draft of the 2022 Rank and Review Criteria will be posted on the CoC website by August 12th, 2022 for public review and comment. A draft of required CoC application documents for new and renewal projects will also be available on the website by August 12th, 2022.
3. An orientation session for new applicants and “new project” applicants will be held on Monday, August 15th from 2 PM-4:00 pm via google meet.
NOFO New Project Orientation
Monday, August 15 · 2:00 – 4:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ckj-hfqk-chh
This is MANDATORY for any new projects. Please email heatherh@unitedwayuc.org to RSVP by Friday, August 12th, 2022.
4. Organizations applying for new and renewal projects must submit a letter of intent by 5:00 PM on Friday August 19th, 2022. Please submit letters via email to Heather Hogue at heatherh@unitedwayuc.org. This letter of intent template will be posted on the website.
5. Adoption of the final rank and review criteria will via email vote of the CoC on August 19th, 2022. Rank and Review Committee members will be voted into placement that day via email vote. Nominations for new members may be submitted to Heather Hogue by August 15th, 2022. Rank and review committee members shall have no conflict of interest while sitting on the committee. The posting of the final rank and review criteria will also be made available on the CoC website by August 22nd, 2022.
6. Renewal and new project supplemental applications and e-snaps applications are due by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022.
7. The Rank and Review Committee will review applications between September 7th-9th, 2022.
8. Determination of project application ranking in Tier 1 and Tier 2 in CoC Rank and Review meeting on Monday, September 12th. 2022.
9. Notification of agencies regarding project funding ranking by Wednesday, September 14th by email and through public posting on the CoC website. Formal announcement will also take place via email to the CoC on Thursday, September 15th.
10. CoC staff will review e-snaps applications to ensure compliance with HUD threshold and application requirements between September 15th through September 22nd, 2022. Staff will work with agencies to make any needed improvements or modifications.
11. The final due date for the Consolidated Application is September 30th, 2022. Our CoC will be turning in the application by Monday, September 26th, 2022.